bonin honeyeater造句
- Until recently it was considered part of the family Meliphagidae of honeyeaters and was called the "'Bonin honeyeater " '.
- The genera " Cleptornis " ( golden honeyeater ) and " Apalopteron " ( Bonin honeyeater ), formerly treated in the Meliphagidae, have recently been transferred to the Notiomystidae of which it is the only member.
- The "'Mukojima white-eye "'( " Apalopteron familiare familiare " ), incorrectly known as the Mukojima honeyeater, is the extinct nominate subspecies of the Bonin white-eye ( formerly Bonin honeyeater ).
- There are two restricted-range species of birds on the islands; the Japanese woodpigeon ( " Columba janthina " ) and the Vulnerable Bonin white-eye ( " Apalopteron familiare " ), formerly known as " Bonin honeyeater ".
- It's difficult to see bonin honeyeater in a sentence. 用bonin honeyeater造句挺难的
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